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Interview with our photographer Dominic about photography and AI

We have been working well together for years: Dominic speaks our "language" and knows how to translate the charisma of our jewelry into images. Since the Capolovoro family also likes to model themselves, it's a very personal thing!

What fascinates you personally about working as a photographer?

Dominic: Photography has always had a magical appeal for me. It offers the opportunity to capture a fleeting moment. I especially love playing with light. I always take photos at sunrise because the light is particularly soft and beautiful at this time of day. This soft light gives the pictures a unique atmosphere.

What should a good photo be able to do?

A good photo is not just about technology. It should primarily convey emotions and make the viewer linger on the image. In our day and age, we experience an abundance and oversaturation of photos. We are used to scrolling quickly. The photos that manage to grab the viewer's attention and make them pause are the most important today.

What are the challenges of taking good jewelry photos?

When photographing jewelry, it is important to capture emotions and moods. While details and technical perfection play a big role, especially in product photography, a really good jewelry photo should also tell a story and evoke an emotional response in the viewer.

To what extent does the use of artificial intelligence (AI) change your work as a photographer?

AI offers a wide range of possibilities, from automated image processing to the creation of completely new image worlds. It can help to accelerate creative processes and realize new visual concepts that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to implement. However, there are currently still limits and many errors in the creation of AI images. Hands and eyes often look strange, and errors often occur, especially in full-body shots of people. Despite these challenges, the quality of AI-generated images has improved enormously, especially in the last year. Nevertheless, human creativity remains indispensable for creating impressive and touching images. The artistic eye of an experienced photographer cannot be completely replaced.

How long have you been working with AI?

I have been intensively studying the possibilities of AI for almost two years. At first it was just curiosity, but I quickly realized the enormous potential that this technology offers, especially for creating worlds that do not exist or are difficult to recreate.

How were you able to use AI for the images in the current Capolavoro magazine (EDITION 05)?

In jewelry photography, for example, you can use AI-generated models and then use Photoshop to add earrings, bracelets and other jewelry to the generated images. That's exactly what we did for some of the shots in the current magazine - in fact, the first time I've worked with AI for Capolavoro. The shots were created using an AI image generation tool. The jewelry was then photographed in exactly the same position as in the AI ​​images and then added to Photoshop. This combination allowed me to ensure the jewelry was accurately represented without detracting from the expression of the photograph.

What is fascinating about images created with AI?

It fascinates but also terrifies me every time I write a prompt - that's what the text used to create AI images is called - and see what images emerge from nothing. The ability of AI to generate detailed and realistic images based on text alone is impressive. This technology opens up incredible creative possibilities and allows me to visualize ideas quickly and efficiently. At the same time, it's a little scary how precise and lifelike these images can be, which shows how far the technology has already advanced.

Are there ways for the viewer to distinguish a photo created with AI from a conventional photo?

It is often difficult for the layperson to tell whether an image was created or edited using AI. However, a trained eye may notice certain features such as perfect symmetries or unusually smooth textures that could indicate the use of AI. Overall, however, it is becoming increasingly difficult as technology rapidly advances.

Thank you for the interview, Dominic!

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